K9 Web Protection
Brother and Sister

What People are Saying About K9

I am a police officer with two children. As you know, no one is immune from Web predators, unsolicited pornography and graphic materials. This has proven to be an OUTSTANDING tool for parents and the community. A million thanks!

- Jimmie W. (USA)

This is simply superb -- 100% accuracy (so far), easy to set up, works with Firefox and Opera, no system slowdown and it's free! Many thanks.

- Andrew B. (UK)

Your K9 web protection program works really well. My daughter was giving out phone numbers in chat rooms and now can no longer access them. My son has a thing about pornography, stops him looking at that as well. This program is easier to use than [other products]. Will recommend it to my friends. Thank you.

- Darren T. (Australia)

K9 is very frustrating. Worst is the safe-mode in Google which you can't turn off. It reports every site to my parents and they will ask me, if this and this site was really necessary to go on. It is evil.

- Anonymous user (Czech Republic)

I've spent the better part of the last two weeks delving into research on "Net Nanny"-like Internet filters to use on a new family PC. After trying numerous paid services and finding flaws and easy workarounds in each and every one of them, I was thrilled when I stumbled upon K9 Web Protection. The installation was the easiest I've seen, the service is free, and I am receiving the best protection to date. I have a considerable amount of computer knowledge (more than my kids, thankfully) and even I can't find a way around your filter.

The added compatibility with Mozilla Firefox was the icing on the cake for me. I've used this browser for its many security features for some time now and having to uninstall it to keep my children from using it to circumvent filtering software was not something I wanted to do.

I finally feel safe letting my kids on the Internet. My wife and I thank you greatly for this incredible service you offer at no charge. It truly is the best thing out there.

- Bryan G. (USA)

I think this is a very good program. I tested several sites and it did a very good job of blocking those sites while letting legitimate sites through. Keep up the good work!

- Maurice S. (USA)

I really like the way I can immediately unblock a page that I feel should be OK anyway. This is very different from the filter I had before. I always felt frustrated by that one until I finally got rid of it. So far I'm not feeling that at all about K9. Thanks so much.

- Mary Ellen H. (USA)

I'd really like to thank you that I can use your K9 protection on my computer. I'm a father worrying about my children for sites that you protect. I'm really happy that I can cut out that kind of site. Thanks to you all ....and I wish you very much success.

- Shakir A. (USA)

Absolutely excellent, stopped the kiddies every time.

- David C. (UK)

Hi. I just installed your filter on my laptop at home. I am very impressed so far. The install was seamless, performance hit seems negligible and the use is very smooth.

So far, it seems like a great product. I even submitted a new site and had it reviewed and added to the block list in minutes. I was impressed.

If K9 is free to home users, but based on a top-notch enterprise appliance/product, I think you will get very good press (if you haven't already).

Honestly, this is a perfect model of a corporate entity being a good contributor to the community.

I am an exec in the IT field (manage the US business for an enterprise software company) and am very impressed so far.

- John H. (USA)

Just wanted to let you know how great your software is...I was getting loads of adult content unknowingly downloaded to my PC, which my two young children use for their homework.....since installing K9, I have not had ANY such data finding its way onto my hard drive...I cannot thank you enough.....

- Claire S. (UK)

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